Entry 5: A Day in the Life of a Lolita Designer
And so, the circus begins.
Yep, the Eat Your Heart Out reservation orders have officially begun!
Tuesday was a great day, as SO many things came in. SO MANY! The print fabric arrived, which was a nice start to the day, and I also received about 6 packages that had been waiting on me in the office (stupid apartment package retrieval sucks). I had lots of packages to open and go through. So as much as I would've loved to get started sewing this day, I wasn't able to and had to devote most of my time to organizing new fabrics, beads/jewelry supplies, re-rolling the print fabric + looking it over, etc.
^Yay for fabric :D Sorry for the crap lighting - it was super overcast when I first took these, so the original photos with natural lighting were so dark I had to retake them with the lighting in my studio. Even though the putrid colorway looks dark and grungy here, I promise it's not! It's just as lovely and grey as in the samples I posted <3 All the fabric actually came on one roll, so I had the pleasure of rolling the putrid onto a new one, which is tedious and annoying and explains why the putrid colorway is on the roll so sloppy.
^Lining for daaaaays! ❤︎❤︎
The lace came in on Wednesday at last, and my long train of Expected Packages to be Delivered concluded with the lining, finally taking it's time and getting here on Thursday. *Official Production* officially started on Thursday, when I at last had everything I needed to begin my work. Yeah, I technically could've started on Wednesday, but I hate having things half-finished/pieces laying around my studio - I'm more apt to forget wtf they're for/misplace something when I do stuff like this.
Despite being the end of the week, I still managed to get a few dresses finished and shipped <3 Yes, I did have to pull an all-nighter on Friday in order to have things ready in time to ship on Saturday, and yes I did forget to include the waistbows with 2 of the OPs, but things happen sometimes and I'll just try not to forget things going forward .___. I took two 3-hour naps on Saturday and managed to get another dress sewn and finished.
I'm posting this late on Tuesday night due to being out of town the last 2 days. I'm exhausted and sore from spending a very hot day riding roller coasters all day yesterday (a trip we'd planned months ago for my birthday, as I'm required to go every year ❤︎), so I didn't get a lot of sewing done today unfortunately. But I have no regrets and think that trip was much needed and a good way to begin really diving into these orders. (I think last year with the Albino orders I ended up making a huge Ikea journey (it's a 3-4 hour round trip for me) the first weekend of production as well - I was in dire need of a proper sewing/cutting table and had to Ikea-hack my way to one, and vastly reorganize my studio for an optimal work environment.)
Oh. I also went ahead and made an instagram. I thought it might be a fun way to make small posts/updates daily. I'm still trying to familiarize myself with how it works and such, but I think I've got the hang of it thus far. Now I've just gotta keep my word and actually post frequently/not abandon it ;>_>
One more thing. We're also buying a house. We should be moving as soon as I'm finished with the orders for this series. I'm super stoked.
Welcome to my life.